bhandrasana benefits

Bhadrasana: The Complete Guide to This Essential Yoga Pose for Meditation and Spiritual Growth

Bhadrasana, often known as the Gracious Pose, is a yoga asana that holds a special place in the practice of spiritual seekers. It not only aids in physical flexibility but also stimulates the Mooladhara Chakra, making it an excellent choice for meditation. This asana shares many benefits with Vajrasana and is particularly suitable for those on a spiritual journey.

Now, let’s delve into the detailed steps, breathing techniques, awareness, duration, and benefits of Bhadrasana to help you incorporate it into your practice.


1. Begin in Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose).

2. Gradually separate your knees as far as comfortable while keeping your toes on the floor.

3. Create a slight gap between your feet, allowing your buttocks and perineum to rest on the floor between them. Avoid straining.

4. Position your hands on your knees with palms facing downward.

5. Once you’re comfortable, practice Nasikagra Drishti, focusing your gaze on the tip of your nose. If your eyes tire, briefly close them before resuming nose-tip gazing.


Breathe slowly and rhythmically, maintaining awareness of the breath at the nose tip.


For spiritual practice, extend the duration. A few minutes daily suffice for leg flexibility. If discomfort arises, discontinue the asana.


Physical: Focus on natural breathing or the nose tip.

Spiritual: Direct awareness of the Mooladhara Chakra.


Bhadrasana primarily benefits spiritual aspirants by stimulating the Mooladhara Chakra.

It serves as an excellent meditation posture, sharing benefits with Vajrasana.

Practice Note:

If needed, place a folded blanket beneath your buttocks.

Ensure your buttocks firmly touch the ground to activate the Mooladhara Chakra.

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