Ashtanga Namaskara

A Guide to Incorporate Ashtanga Namaskara into Your Sun Salutation: Experience Deep Grounding and Gratitude

Surya Namaskar, or Sun Salutation, is a dynamic sequence of yoga poses that gracefully synchronizes breath with movement. One integral pose within this sequence is Ashtanga Namaskara, a salute with eight parts or points. As you delve into this article, explore the intricacies of this pose and discover the steps to master it.

Steps :

  • Begin in a plank position with your body aligned.
  • Gradually lower your knees to the floor.
  • Simultaneously lower your chest and chin to touch the ground.
  • Ensure only your toes, knees, chest, hands, and chin make contact with the floor.
  • If simultaneous touching is challenging, lower the knees, then the chest, and finally the chin.
  • Lift the buttocks, hips, and abdomen upward.

Breathing Technique:

Hold your breath outside; there is no respiration during this pose.


  • Physical awareness on the abdominal region.
  • Spiritual awareness directed towards manipura chakra.


Chant “Om Pushne Namaha” as a salutation to the giver of strength.


  • Strengthens leg and arm muscles.
  • Develops the chest muscles.
  • Exercises the spine region between the shoulder blades.

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