baddha padmasana-butterfly-pose

How to Do Baddha Padmasana (Butterfly Pose) for Beginners & Its Variation and Benefits

Baddha Padmasana, also known as the locked lotus pose, is an advanced yoga posture that combines the benefits of Padmasana with a forward bend, providing physical and spiritual advantages. Baddha Padmasana serves as an excellent preliminary practice for meditation, promoting physical well-being and spiritual awareness.


1. Sit comfortably in Padmasana.

2. Cross your arms behind your back.

3. While exhaling, lean forward, reaching for the right big toe with the right hand and the left big toe with the left hand.

4. If reaching the toes is challenging, stretch the shoulders back, bringing the shoulder blades closer.

5. Hold the uppermost foot’s big toe and take a deep breath in.

6. While exhaling, bend forward, aiming to touch the forehead to the floor.

7. Maintain the final position comfortably.

8. Return to Padmasana, cross your legs the other way, and repeat the sequence.

Breathing and Awareness:

Breathe deeply and slowly in the final position.

Focus awareness on the abdomen or breathing process.

Spiritually, concentrate on the Anahata chakra.


Begin in Baddha Padmasana.

Inhale deeply, exhale and bend forward into Yogamudrasana.

While holding the breath out, touch the right and then the left knee with the forehead.

Return to the center while inhaling and come up to the upright position.


Alleviates pain in the shoulders, arms, and back.

Encourages normal growth in children with poorly developed chests.

The variation enhances the benefits of Yogamudrasana, massaging internal organs.

Spiritually, contributes to the awakening of kundalini.

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