gupta padmasana

Gupta Padmasana- Mastering the Hidden Lotus Pose for Improved Flexibility and Meditation

Gupta Padmasana, also known as the hidden lotus pose, is a yoga posture that combines elements of Padmasana with a gentle forward bend. This asana not only corrects postural defects but can also serve as a relaxation or meditation pose, fostering peace, stability, and emotional balance. The Sanskrit word “gupta” means ‘hidden,’ signifying how the feet are concealed under the body in this particular asana.


Begin in Padmasana, the lotus pose.

Place hands on the floor in front of the knees.

Leaning on the arms, raising the buttocks, and standing on the knees.

Slowly lower the front side of the body to the prone position.

Rest either the chin or one cheek on the floor.

Place palms together behind the back.

Fingers may point downward or upward in Hamsa mudra.

If possible, touch the back of the head with the middle fingers.

Close the eyes and relax the whole body.

Return to the starting position, crossing the legs the other way, and repeat.


Maintain normal and unrestrained breathing in the final position.


Hold the position for as long as comfortable.


Physical awareness on relaxation of the body, breath, and spiritual focus on the Anahata chakra.


Corrects postural defects of the spine.

Induces peace, stability, and emotional balance.

Suitable for relaxation and meditation.

Practice Note:

For complete relaxation, allow the hands to rest on the floor beside the body with palms facing upward.

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