
Kukkutasana 101: A Comprehensive Guide to Perfecting the Pose

Kukkutasana, deriving its name from the Sanskrit words ‘kukkuta’ (cockerel) and ‘asana’ (pose), has roots in ancient yogic traditions. This pose holds significance in Kundalini practices, contributing to the awakening of spiritual energy through the stimulation of the Mooladhara Chakra. As a symbol of balance and strength, Kukkutasana reflects the rich history and holistic approach of yoga, offering practitioners both physical and spiritual benefits.

Kukkutasana, also known as Cockerel Pose, is a challenging yoga asana that offers a unique blend of strength, balance, and flexibility. The pose requires practitioners to sit in Padmasana (Lotus Pose) and then lift their entire body using only their hands, promoting physical and spiritual well-being.


  1. Begin in Padmasana, sitting comfortably.
  2. Insert your hands between the calves and thighs, near the knees.
  3. Gradually push the arms through the legs, reaching up to the elbows.
  4. Firmly place the palms on the floor, fingers pointing forward.
  5. Keep the head straight, gaze fixed on a point ahead, and lift the body, balancing solely on the hands.
  6. Hold the back straight and stay in the pose for a comfortable duration.
  7. Slowly return to the floor, releasing the arms, hands, and legs.
  8. Change leg position and repeat the pose.

Breathing or Focus Points:

  • Exhale while raising the body.
  • Breathe normally in the final position.
  • Exhale while lowering.
  • Focus on the breath in the nostrils or maintaining balance.
  • Spiritual awareness on Mooladhara Chakra.


  • Strengthens arm and shoulder muscles.
  • Stretches the chest and promotes flexibility.
  • Loosens up the legs.
  • Develops a sense of balance and stability.
  • Used in Kundalini awakening by stimulating the Mooladhara Chakra.


  • Requires strong arms and wrists.
  • Individuals with excessive leg hair may find it uncomfortable; consider applying oil or shaving.
  • Difficulty for those with excess fat or muscle on the legs.

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