simhagarjasana benefits

Simhagarjanasana: A Step-by-Step Guide to This Therapeutic Yoga Pose

Simhagarjanasana, known as the Roaring Lion Pose, is a yogic asana with roots in ancient practices. This pose combines deep breathing and vocalization, resembling the roar of a lion. It is valued for its therapeutic effects on the throat, ears, nose, and eyes. Simhagarjanasana can also help alleviate tension and enhance one’s vocal strength. Its origins can be traced to traditional yoga teachings and have been embraced for their holistic benefits, making it a valuable addition to modern yoga practice.


1. Begin in a comfortable Vajrasana, with your knees positioned about 45 cm apart, ideally facing the sun.

2. Place your palms flat on the floor between your knees, with your fingers pointing toward your body.

3. Lean forward, supporting your body with your straight arms. As you do this, arch your back gently and tilt your head back, allowing a comfortable stretch in the neck.

4. Open your eyes and focus on the eyebrow center while adopting Shambhavi Mudra (refer to the section on mudras).

5. Relax your entire body during this posture and keep your mouth closed.

6. Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose.

7. At the end of inhalation, open your mouth and extend your tongue as far as possible toward your chin.

8. As you exhale slowly, create a clear and steady ‘aaah’ sound from your throat, keeping your mouth wide open.

9. Upon completing exhalation, close your mouth and inhale. This marks one round.

For the breathing pattern, inhale slowly through the nose and exhale slowly through the mouth with the ‘aaah’ sound.


For general health maintenance, practice 5 rounds daily. For specific ailments, consider practicing 10 to 20 rounds. You may relax your eyes, tongue, and mouth briefly between each round. Simhagarjanasana can be performed at any time.


Focus on the physical aspects during inhalation and exhalation, paying attention to the breath and its effect on the throat area. Spiritually, direct your awareness to Vishuddhi or Ajna Chakra.


Simhagarjanasana is excellent for alleviating conditions related to the throat, nose, ears, eyes, and mouth. It also helps relieve tension in the chest and diaphragm. This pose is beneficial for individuals who stutter or experience nervousness and introversion. Additionally, it contributes to the development of a strong and melodious voice. Similar benefits can be found as with Shambhavi Mudra.

Variation I:

After performing Shambhavi Mudra, add Kechari Mudra. Keep your mouth closed, fold your tongue backward so that the tip and underside press against the soft palate. Inhale slowly through the nose, release the tongue at the end of inhalation, open your mouth, and extend the tongue as far as possible.

Variation 2:

While making a long ‘aaah’ sound, move the tongue slowly from side to side.

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