Sirshapada Bhumi Sparshasana

How to Do Sirshapada Bhumi Sparshasana Yoga Pose (Head & Foot to Ground Pose)

Sirshapada Bhumi Sparshasana, also known as the Head and Foot Touching the Ground Pose, is an advanced yoga asana that combines strength, flexibility, and balance. The pose, with its etymology deeply connected to the union of head and feet with the earth, symbolizes a harmonious connection between body and soul. Its significance in yoga lies not only in physical benefits but also in spiritual awakening and balance, making it a revered practice for those seeking holistic well-being. This pose requires careful execution, focusing on the spine, back, and Manipura chakra. In this article, we will explore the steps, benefits, and precautions associated with Sirshapada Bhumi Sparshasana.

Pose Instructions:

  1. Begin in Shavasana, lying down in a relaxed position.
  2. Turn palms downward and press hands, elbows, and lower arms into the floor.
  3. Lift head and shoulders, placing the top of the head on the floor.
  4. Tense the body, raising the trunk towards the head.
  5. Straighten the legs and place the soles of your feet flat on the ground.
  6. Palms rest on the thighs in the final position, supporting the body on the head and feet.
  7. To release, place hands on the floor for support and gently lower the body.

Breathing and Duration:

  • Inhale before raising the trunk and hold your breath in the final position.
  • Exhale while lowering the body.
  • Hold the pose for as long as comfortable without strain, practicing up to 5 rounds.

Awareness and Sequence:

  • Physical awareness of the spine and back.
  • Spiritual awareness on the Manipura chakra.
  • Follow with forward bending practices like Paschimottanasana.


  • Not recommended for individuals with high blood pressure, weak neck muscles, heart conditions, or chronic ailments without proper guidance.


  • Strengthens and makes back muscles supple.
  • Stimulates spinal nerves and enhances blood circulation.
  • Strengthens thigh, neck, and abdominal muscles.
  • Induces relaxation and, under guidance, may aid in yogic management of thyroid and gynaecological disorders.

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